Dyck Meat
Dyck Meat
S10E03 – Dyck Meat
Guest: Rene Encarnacion
Music: Drift Mouth
- Intro Music: Chase After Me Sheriff
- Welcome!
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- How Are Ya Now? Cosplay Contest. https://howareyanowpod.com/cosplay
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Music this week: Drift Mouth
Guest this week: Rene Encarnacion
Recap: Dealership (thanks to Dennis Gugin)
This week’s episode deep dive: S10E03 – Dyck Meat
- Do they not have a code for where to place studs in walls in Letterkenny?
- Why are Reilly and Jonesy at their billet mom’s?
- Looks like Katy’s tarts come in a baker’s dozen and a half?
- Kinsmen
- Wayne “getting into character”
- Wayne’s Autistic characteristics and how Dan and Dary understand
- How would McMurray react if Wayne offered himself to him?
- Dary’s issues with the Dyck daughters
- Shakespearean Skids
- Book-smart vs street-smart
- Connor and Darien’s version of “Ninja Dust”
- The way Noah breathes
- Noah’s German
End of Show:
- Final thoughts…
- Next Week:
- Season 10/Episode 4 – Prostate with Trevor Risk
- Farewells
- Outro: Myra
Band: Drift Mouth
Location: Athens, OH
Intro: Chase After Me Sheriff
Outro: Myra
How Are Ya Now? Podcast Spotify Playlist – https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1IDa578R0Drfh6WflJxMFU