Don’t be late bud…and definitely don’t be “that guy”.
Just hop on in, kick up your Docs, and hang out as we break down all the goodies in Letterkenny Season 11, Episode 6 – Degens.
Auntie Awesome gloriously returns to grace us with her presence and knowledge of any and all things Letterkenny.
- Awesome’s stuff:
- Just let people like what they wanna like!
- I agree with Rosie that you can be a feminist without wearing it as your personality.
- What prompted the degens to start fuckin’ around again?
- Why did the hicks not go to the birthday party?
- Katy and Dary: Two sides of the same coin?
- The tropes!
- What was the reason for the dart dialogue?
- Jim Dickens as a romantic partner.
- Jivin’ Pete is just really insecure and would rather fight that work on himself.
In “Fuck-Fight-FERDA” it looks like we’re all making an appointment with the optometrist.