Uncle Eddie’s Trust
Uncle Eddie’s Trust
Letterkenny Season 2, Episode 5 – Uncle Eddie’s Trust
- Guest host: Michael
- Recap of The Native Flu
- Episode dive
- Running out of beer
- Bottom inch of a beer bottle
- “To be fair”
- MoDean’s is gone
- Uncle Eddie has died and left Wayne and Katy $5K to “give back to the community”
- Gail’s side-road grind
- The Barn (aka “Shark Tank)
- More about Stewart’s horn
- All ideas are based off of the following shows:
- Intervention
- The Ultimate Fighter/Big Brother
- The Bachelor
- Storage Wars
- Duck Dynasty
- America’s Got Talent
- Bonnie doesn’t care for Dary
- “I’m out!”
- Unanswered Questions/Theories/Thoughts:
- More Uncle Eddie stories
- Are the characters from Letterkenny based upon Peanuts?
- Facebook questions:
- Which pitch would you have chosen?
- Tiara – Gail
- Michael – Gail
- Dean – McMurray
- What pitch would you have made?
- Tiara – $ for her school kids’ “Calm down room”
- Michael – If in the Letterkenny universe: Food truck or new MoDean’s. For self: Animal shelters for cats.
- Dean – Dogs and podcast gear
- Which pitch would you have chosen?
- New terms:
- Donkey Juice – Mixing all the booze together.
- Crokinole – A board game – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crokinole
- Fuck, Fight, or FERDA!
- Lots and lots of friends in this episode
- Gail’s the only one getting ALL the sex
- Stewart and Glen got a scrap coming.
- Up next: Finding Stormy a Stud
Intro Music: 3 Legged Dog – by Hard Money Saints
Outro Music: Ol’ Grey Dog – by Hard Money Saints